Climbing a Chihuahuaco tree in the Middle of Nowhere, Peru

Climbing a Chihuahuaco tree in the Middle of Nowhere, Peru

Christopher, a self-taught wildlife and nature photographer, was born and raised in Peru. His passion for the natural world began in childhood through family trips across Peru’s varied landscapes—from arid coastlines and the high Andes to the rich rainforests. These early experiences deepened his respect for nature’s fragile ecosystems, and photography became his chosen medium to celebrate their beauty and diversity.

Throughout his life, Christopher has been a passionate advocate for conservation. He dedicated three months to studying macaws in the Tambopata National Reserve and continues to collaborate with the reserve on various conservation initiatives. He has also worked with WWF on farmland reforestation projects and regularly partners with SERNANP, Peru's governing authority for natural protected areas, to advance ecosystem and wildlife preservation.

He also offers custom photography tours across Peru, guiding participants through the diverse ecosystems, their local communities, and wildlife. For more information, please refer to the contact details below.

Recently, he visited the Mar Tropical de Grau National Reserve to document the extraordinary migration of humpback whales, the longest mammal migration in the world.